How many teenagers are preparing to graduate from high school this year in the United States? If you’re looking for a quick answer, there are approximately 3.3 million 12th grade public and private school students across the country.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the latest statistics on the total number of U.S. high school seniors. We’ll look at important factors like public vs. private school enrollment, demographics, and graduation rates.

Total Number of Public and Private 12th Graders

Public School Seniors

There are around 3.1 million public high school seniors in the United States as of 2023, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. This number represents students enrolled in the 12th grade at public high schools across the nation.

Public schools educate the vast majority of high schoolers. Around 90% of U.S. secondary school students attend public schools. Factors like population growth, graduation rates, and education budgets impact the total number of 12th graders each year.

Some key stats on public school 12th graders:

  • California has the most public school seniors at over 400,000
  • Texas, Florida, New York, and Illinois also have large 12th grade public school populations
  • Graduation rates for public school students have improved in recent decades, now reaching 87% nationally
  • Public school enrollment faced declines during the COVID-19 pandemic but has rebounded

Public schools provide 12th grade education to students across metropolitan, suburban, and rural areas. While exact enrollment fluctuates annually, public 12th grade students make up the vast majority of U.S. high school seniors.


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Private School Seniors

There are around 224,140 private high school seniors in the U.S. as of 2023. This figure comes from the National Center for Education Statistics and includes 12th graders at both public and private schools.

Compared to public schools, private schools educate a relatively small percentage of high schoolers. Only around 10% of secondary school students go to private institutions. But these schools play an important role, especially in certain communities.

Here are some key private school 12th grader stats:

  • California, New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Texas have the highest private school senior enrollment
  • Almost 80% of private high school seniors attend religious schools
  • The remainder go to nonsectarian independent schools
  • Private school graduation rates are typically over 90%

Private school seniors graduate at higher rates compared to their public school counterparts. But public schools serve far more 12th graders overall, comprising the majority of U.S. secondary students.

Demographics of High School Seniors

Understanding the demographics of high school seniors in the United States is essential for gaining insights into the educational landscape and identifying potential disparities. This information helps educators, policymakers, and researchers develop strategies to support students and improve outcomes.

Two key aspects of high school senior demographics are gender and race/ethnicity.


The gender distribution among high school seniors in the United States is relatively balanced

It’s important to note that gender identity is a complex and multifaceted concept, and the binary division of male and female does not capture the full diversity of student experiences.

However, this data provides a broad overview of the gender distribution in high schools across the country.

Race and Ethnicity

The racial and ethnic composition of high school seniors in the United States is diverse and reflects the country’s multicultural landscape. According to the NCES, the largest racial/ethnic group among high school seniors is White, accounting for approximately 52.7% of the student population.

The second-largest group is Hispanic/Latino, making up around 25.5% of high school seniors. African American students constitute approximately 13.8% of the population, while Asian/Pacific Islander students represent about 5.5%.

Native American/Alaska Native students make up approximately 0.8% of high school seniors.

It is essential to recognize that these statistics only provide a general overview and that the experiences and identities of high school seniors vary greatly within each racial and ethnic group. Understanding these demographic trends can help inform efforts to address educational inequities and promote inclusivity within schools and communities.


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U.S. High School Graduation Rates

High school graduation rates in the United States have been a topic of concern for educators, policymakers, and families alike. Understanding the number of high school seniors in the country is crucial in assessing the overall success of the education system.

The Importance of High School Graduation Rates

High school graduation rates serve as a benchmark for educational attainment and are an important indicator of a student’s future prospects. Graduating from high school opens up opportunities for higher education, career advancement, and overall success in life.

Additionally, higher graduation rates contribute to a stronger economy and a more educated workforce.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the high school graduation rate in the United States reached an all-time high of 87% in the 2019-2020 academic year. This is a significant improvement from previous years, indicating progress in ensuring that more students are completing their high school education.

Factors Affecting High School Graduation Rates

Several factors can influence high school graduation rates, including socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, and access to quality education. Students from low-income families and marginalized communities often face greater challenges in completing their high school education.

According to a report by the Alliance for Excellent Education, high school dropouts are more likely to experience unemployment, incarceration, and lower earnings compared to their peers who graduate.

This highlights the importance of addressing the factors that contribute to low graduation rates and implementing strategies to support at-risk students.

Efforts to Improve High School Graduation Rates

Education policymakers and school districts across the United States have implemented various initiatives to improve high school graduation rates. These efforts include:

  • Implementing early warning systems to identify struggling students and provide targeted interventions
  • Expanding access to college and career counseling services
  • Offering credit recovery programs for students who have fallen behind
  • Providing additional resources and support for schools in disadvantaged areas

Research conducted by the GradNation campaign shows that these efforts have led to a steady increase in high school graduation rates in recent years. However, there is still work to be done to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed.

Number of High School Seniors by State

There are approximately 3.3 million high school seniors across the 50 states and Washington D.C. in 2023. The number of 12th graders varies widely by state, with California having the most at over 400,000 seniors and Wyoming having the fewest.

Here is a breakdown of the estimated number of public and private high school seniors by state for 2023:

State Number of 12th Graders
California 426,228
Texas 370,431
New York 183,171
Florida 175,642
Illinois 151,863
Pennsylvania 130,958
Ohio 130,099
Michigan 121,268
Georgia 116,923
North Carolina 115,157
New Jersey 96,126
Virginia 94,986
Washington 87,685
Massachusetts 70,578
Arizona 69,057
Indiana 68,493
Tennessee 65,636
Missouri 64,616
Maryland 63,374
Wisconsin 63,095
Minnesota 60,705
Colorado 59,037
Alabama 58,064
South Carolina 54,259
Louisiana 49,523
Kentucky 45,934
Oregon 44,105
Oklahoma 42,244
Connecticut 41,077
Iowa 37,824
Mississippi 37,273
Arkansas 35,659
Kansas 34,552
Utah 34,026
Nevada 30,544
New Mexico 27,008
Nebraska 26,965
West Virginia 20,092
Idaho 18,945
Hawaii 15,528
New Hampshire 14,082
Maine 13,807
Montana 11,910
Rhode Island 11,206
Delaware 10,815
South Dakota 10,299
Alaska 9,922
North Dakota 9,015
Vermont 6,535
Wyoming 6,580
Washington D.C. 7,224

As the table shows, California has by far the largest number of high school seniors at over 426,000, which is more than 6 times as many as Wyoming’s senior class.

The 10 states with the most 12th graders (CA, TX, NY, FL, IL, PA, OH, MI, GA, NC) collectively account for nearly 2 million graduating high schoolers, or about 60% of the national total.

Some key factors that influence the number of seniors in each state are overall population size, birth rates, and migration patterns over the past 18 years. Larger states like California, Texas, and New York are simply able to produce more graduates each year compared to smaller states.

But even among the most populous states, graduation totals can vary based on demographic trends. For example, Florida has 75% as many people as New York state, yet Florida has nearly the same number of graduating seniors as New York does in 2023.

As these students graduate and prepare for college or careers, understanding the size of the senior class in each state can help with planning and allocation of resources. The number of high school seniors peaked in the late 2000s during the Millennial baby boom, declined for several years, and is now rising again with Generation Z.

The Class of 2023 is one of the largest senior classes in recent history, though still below the all-time peak. Monitoring these graduating class sizes each year provides valuable insight into the demographic ebbs and flows happening across America.


In this article, we took a deep dive into the demographics and statistics on high school seniors across the United States. Approximately 3.3 million students are expected to graduate from public and private high schools this year.

While graduation rates have improved in recent years, some disparities still exist between different demographics. Understanding the makeup of each graduating class can help educators and policymakers continue to improve outcomes for all students.

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